Saturday, January 7, 2023


 Web Service:

WebService connector supports pagination for Account Aggregation and Group Aggregation.

There are two ways to implement pagination for WebService connector:

1. Paging Tab

2. Before Rule (OR) After Rule

Ex 1: fullUrl =

Json Response:


"totalcount": 666,

"pageSize": 100,











Paging Tab:

TERMINATE_IF $response.startAt == 0

$offset$ = $response.pageIndex$ + 1

$endpoint.fullUrl$ = $application.baseUrl$ + $endpoint.relativeUrl$ + ?pageIndex=+ $offset$

Fetch Members from Workgroup

  import java.util.ArrayList;   import java.util.Iterator;   import java.util.List;   import sailpoint.api.ObjectUtil;   import sailpoint.ob...