# ./iiq console -j
# Display the list of console commands: help (or) ?
# Exit the from IIQ console: quit
# Delete all identities except spadmin from the IIQ console: delete identity *
# Export a single object from the IIQ console using the checkout command:
checkout workflow "Provisioning Approval Subprocess" workflow.xml -clean
# Run the task from the IIQ console using the run command: run "Mighty Run Rule Task"
# Export an object from the IIQ console:
export -clean /usr/binrootsh/Desktop/apps.xml application
# Display the "Test" rule object in XML: get rule TestRule
# list the object: list rule Test*
# To export a single object from the IdentitytIq console to a file:
checkout application "Time Tracking" /usr/binrootsh/Desktop/Clarity.xml -clean
# To export an object from the file to an IdentitytIq console:
import /usr/binrootsh/Desktop/timetracking.xml
# To run the rule from the IdentityIQ console, use the below command:
rule MightyPedia-Test /bpr/bprasad/LookupRuleArgs.xml
# The Version line lists the IdentityIQ version, patch version, and the build: about
(./iiq console ---> about)
# The connectorDebug command will iterate through all accounts for the application: connectorDebug LDAP iterate
# The connectorDebug command will iterate through all groups for the application:
connectorDebug LDAP iterate group
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