import sailpoint.object.Application;
import sailpoint.object.Attributes;
import sailpoint.object.ResourceObject;
import sailpoint.object.TaskResult;
import sailpoint.object.Rule;
import sailpoint.api.Aggregator;
import sailpoint.connector.Connector;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Initialize the error message to nothing.
String errorMessage = "";
String mtaRefreshrule="RuleAdLdsAccountGroupRefresh";
String rchRefreshrule="ActiveDirectory Account Group Refresh Rule";
List nativeIdentities= new ArrayList();
//chagnge only below two values
appName="Active Directory";
log.error("nativeIdentitiesList:: "+nativeIdentities);
Application appObject = context.getObjectByName(Application.class, appName);
String appConnName = appObject.getConnector();
if(appName.equals("LDAP - MTA")) rule=mtaRefreshrule;
if(appName.equals("Active Directory")) rule=rchRefreshrule;
log.debug("Application " + appName + " uses connector " + appConnName);
Connector appConnector = sailpoint.connector.ConnectorFactory.getConnector(appObject, null);
if (null == appConnector)
errorMessage = "Failed to construct an instance of connector [" + appConnName + "]";
return errorMessage;
log.debug("Connector instantiated, calling getObject() to read group details...");
List resourceObjects = new ArrayList();
for (String nativeIdentity : nativeIdentities) {
ResourceObject rObj;
rObj = appConnector.getObject("group", nativeIdentity, null);
log.debug("Got raw resourceObject: " + rObj.toXml());
catch (sailpoint.connector.ObjectNotFoundException onfe)
errorMessage = "Connector could not find group: [" + nativeIdentity + "]";
errorMessage += " in application [" + appName + "]";
return errorMessage;
if (null == rObj) {
errorMessage = "ERROR: Could not get ResourceObject for group : " + nativeIdentity;
return errorMessage;
// Next we perform a miniature "Aggregation" using IIQ's built in Aggregator.
// Create an arguments map for the aggregation task.
// To change this (if you need to), the map contains aggregation options and is the same as the
// arguments to the account aggregation tasks. Some suggested defaults are:
Attributes argMap = new Attributes();
argMap.put("descriptionLocale", "en_US");
argMap.put("accountGroupRefreshRule", rule);
argMap.put("aggregationType", "group");
argMap.put("checkDeleted", "true");
//Construct an aggregator instance.
Aggregator agg = new Aggregator(context, argMap);
if (null == agg)
errorMessage = "Null Aggregator returned from constructor. Unable to Aggregate!";
return errorMessage;
// Invoke the aggregation task by calling the aggregate() method.
// Note: the aggregateGroup() call may take several seconds to complete.
log.debug("Calling aggregateGroup() method... ");
//Rule customizationRule = context.getObjectByName(Rule.class, "RuleGMCustomization");
Rule customizationRule = appObject.getCustomizationRule();
for (rObject : resourceObjects)
if (null != customizationRule)
log.debug("Customization rule selected for applicaiton " + appName);
// Pass the mandatory arguments to the Customization rule for the app.
HashMap ruleArgs = new HashMap();
ruleArgs.put("context", context);
ruleArgs.put("log", log);
ruleArgs.put("object", rObject);
ruleArgs.put("application", appObject);
ruleArgs.put("connector", appConnector);
ruleArgs.put("state", new HashMap());
// Call the customization rule just like a normal aggregation would.
ResourceObject newRObj = context.runRule(customizationRule, ruleArgs, null);
// Make sure we got a valid resourceObject back from the rule.
if (null != newRObj)
rObject = newRObj;
log.debug("Got post-customization resourceObject: " + rObject.toXml());
catch (Exception ex)
// Swallow any customization rule errors, the show must go on!
log.error("Error while running Customization rule for " + appName);
aggObject = agg.aggregateGroup(appObject, rObject);
log.error("aggregation complete for :: " + rObject.toXml());
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long testDuration = endTime - startTime;
return aggObject;
log.error("testDuration:: "+testDuration);
if(aggObject != null) return "success";
return "fail";
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