The Refresh Task is critical to finalizing data on the Identity Cubes.
e.g :
# all entitlements are promoted from the Account Data to the Identity Cubes by the Refresh Task.
# policy violations and risk scores are calculated by the Refresh Task.
Navigate to Setup ---> Task ---> Refresh Identity Cube
From the following list, draw lines through the options that are not one of the defaults :
a. Refresh identity attributes (get to know more about : click on ? )
b. Refresh the identity risk scorecards
c. Check active policies
d. Process events
e. Refresh assigned, detected roles and promote additional entitlements
f. Refresh manager status
# Refresh identity attributes :
Update identity attributes with any changes made to the attributes used to define identities.
# Refresh the identity risk scorecards :
Update identity Risk scores with any information discovered by the scan performed by this task
# Check active policies :
Scan for active policies and apply those policies to the identities included in the task
# Process events :
Enable event certifications and lifecycle events.
Use the snapshots created during the aggregation to approximate the previous state of the identities at the beginning of the refresh. This copied identity is compared to the updated identity to determine of event certifications or life cycle events are lunched.
# Refresh assigned, detected roles and promote additional entitlements :
Update any assigned or detected role assignments that have changes since the last time this task was run. Any additional entitlements found in the refresh will be promoted during the task.
# Refresh manager status :
Update all identity cubes in which the manager status has changed. e.g : if a user was promoted to mange in their department, their identity cube would be updated by this task.
Explore the Refresh Identity Task :
We will perform a Refresh on only identities who have an account on the Financials Application.
We could configure a filter, a population, or a group to achieve our goal.
We will use a filter string. (You will learn more about groups and populations in the next...)
# We will use Advanced Analytics to provide the filter syntax.
a. Navigate to Intelligence Advanced Analytics. On the Identity Search tab, click
Advanced Search
b. Add a filter where Application is equal to Financials, and then click the link
view/edit filter source.
c. This is the filter syntax we will copy and paste into the filter constraint for the
Refresh Identity Cube Task. Copy the filter string.
d. Notice the term, “links”. In IdentityIQ, link is synonymous with account. The term
link is typically used internally to the product, and the term account is typically used
in the user interface.
e. Run the search. How many identities were returned? _________________
# Navigate to Setup ---> Tasks and under New Task use the arrow at the bottom to scroll.
Choose Identity Refresh to create a new, blank Identity Refresh task.
# Name your task Refresh Financials Identities
# Paste the filter string into the input box titled Optional filter string to constrain the identities refreshed.
# Select the default Identity Cube Refresh task options that you identified previously:
a. Refresh identity attributes
b. Refresh manager status
c. Refresh assigned, detected roles and promote additional entitlements
d. Refresh the identity risk scorecards
e. Check active policies
# Scroll to the bottom and click Save and Execute.
# Navigate to Setup ---> Tasks --> Task Results tab and confirm that the number of identities examined matches the number of identities from the search.
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