Pre-requisites :-
# MySQL 5.6 server
# Apache Tomcat 9.0
# Java JDK 1.8
# Identityiq.war
Install the JDK, Apache Tomcat and MySQL software's, set up JDK, MySQL paths in environment Path variables like below :
Sailpoint Configuration Steps :-
1. Install IdentityIq into the /identityiq directory in Tomcat (Create an \idenityiq directory under the Tomcat webapps directory)
e.g - C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\idenityiq
Extract the file.
Copy Identityiq.war file to the below location
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\identityiq
Run below command to extract identityiq.war
jar -xvf C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\idenityiq\identityiq.war
2. Generate the IdentityIQ database schema files and use these to create the IdentityIQ database within the MySQL database instance.
In the command prompt window, Navigate to the below location
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\idenityiq\WEB-INF\bin directory
type iiq schema to create the schema
Create the database from the schema
In the command prompt window, Navigate to the below location
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\WEB-INF\database
# Login to MySQL by typing mysql –u root –p followed by your MySQL password
Run this command to load the schema into MySQL:
source C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\idenityiq\WEB-INF\database\create_identityiq_tables.mysql
Check that the database was created by typing show databases;
You should see identityiq listed among the databases (there will be other databases listed;
these don't matter for IdentityIQ).
Type quit exiting MySQL
3. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\identityiq\WEB-INF\bin directory
Launch the iiq console by running this command: iiq console
The console runs when you see a > symbol in the command prompt.
In the IdentityIQ console, run this command:
import init.xml
import init-lcm.xml
When the import is complete, type quit exiting from the IdentityIQ console.
4. Restart Tomcat Server and confirm that everything is running okay.
Login URL is: http://localhost:8080/identityiq/
Username : spadmin
Password : admin
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