What is Workflow / Business Process?
# A sequence (or) series of steps (or) operations that are launched to perform work
NOTE: Workflow is similar to Orchestration in OIM
Process Details: Specify Name, Type, and Description of the workflow.
Process Variables: Specify any variables that apply to the workflow. Variables in any input variables, return values, and working variables for use within the process's steps.
Process Designer: To graphically represent the process, specify the actions involved in each step, and provide the evaluation conditions for moving from one step to another.
Process Metrics: Review statistics gathered for the process as it launches.
The following events can trigger a workflow:
• Role creation or modification
• Account Group creation or modification
• Identity update
• Identity refresh
• Identity correlation
• Deferred role assignment, de-assignment
• Deferred role activation, deactivation
• Any Lifecycle Manager event
• Any Lifecycle Event (marked by changes to an Identity's attributes)
Custom workflows can be defined to do a wide variety of processing tasks. You can use:
• IdentityIQ workflow library methods and rules.
• Custom BeanShell scripts and rules.
Customizing or creating workflows generally involves a combination of XML and Java/BeanShell programming.
How many ways to implement Business Process?
# 2 ways
# One way is from UI (Business Process)
# Other way is to implement workflow in XML file then we can import that XML file into IIQ
How to delete a workflow in IIQ?
# Login to Debug page
# Search workflow or select from workflow drop-down menu under Object Browser
# Then search with a specific workflow name and select it
# Right side corner selects an action which drops down after that click on Delete.
LCM Workflow Process and Structure::-
#To promote code reuse, the core functions needed across multiple processes have been encapsulated in subprocesses which can be called by each of the main "top-level" workflows.
#This allows the main workflows to include their needed variances while maximizing uniformity across the processes.
#The organization of these subprocesses also makes it easy to customize the workflows for individual customer needs by using the desired modules and skipping others.
The overall process flow for the default LCM workflows is this, with each of these process steps being controlled by a separate subprocess workflow:
(This workflow follows the full core process for LCM Workflows, which includes these key steps)
Initialize: Compile the provisioning plan, set up the identity request, perform initial auditing, check policies, do pre-approval data gathering
Approve: Gather approvals from the appropriate parties and filter the provisioning project to remove non-approved items
Provision: Do post-approval data gathering and complete the provisioning actions to update the target systems
Notify: Send emails to interested parties informing them of the final status of the provisioning request
Finalize: Mark the identity request with the final status of the provisioning request, perform final auditing
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